Welcome to LENZO Prime! For just ₹99 per year, elevate your eyewear shopping experience with exclusive perks that bring you extra savings, convenience, and priority access.

Key Benefits:

  1. Free Delivery on All Orders

    • Enjoy free shipping across India on every order, whether it’s eyewear or accessories. No minimum purchase required.
  2. Exclusive 10% Discount

    • Get an additional 10% off on all products—Basics, Premium, and Luxury series—automatically applied at checkout.
  3. Member-Only Offers

    • Receive early access to new collections, exclusive discounts, and members-only events throughout the year.

Membership Details:

  • Fee: ₹99 per year for full access to all benefits.
  • Activation: Add LENZO Prime to your cart and complete your purchase. Benefits activate immediately.

Important Notes:

  • Membership is non-transferable and non-refundable.
  • The 10% discount cannot be combined with other promotional discounts.
  • Membership is valid for 12 months, with easy renewal options.

How to Join?

Easy Enrollment: Simply sign up during your next purchase or visit our LENZO Prime membership page. Enjoy immediate access to all member benefits upon registration.

Why Join LENZO Prime?

Enjoy a VIP shopping experience with savings on every order, no hidden fees, and special perks to enhance your eyewear journey. Join today to start enjoying LENZO Prime’s unmatched benefits.